The 911 call from inside the home where a seven hour standoff in Northwest Wisconsin took place has been released. The incident Saturday involved a 19-year-old trapped inside while his drunken father fired shot after shot with his handgun, trying to injure or kill his son and his three friends.
During the 23 minute call to dispatchers, Zach Christianson told where his father was, how much ammunition he had and warned that his father disliked cops.
AUDIO: Zach Christianson (MP3 :11)
The teen was remarkably calm during most of the ordeal but fear and concern for his father could also be heard on the tape.
AUDIO: Karl Christanson (MP3 :12)
Investigators have not said what set off the incident between the father and son that led to shots being fired.
Zach and his friends, two 15-year-olds and a 13-year-old were eventually able to escape. The standoff ended when 43-year-old Daniel Christianson tried to flee his house, pointed his gun at two Hudson police officers and was shot by one of them. Christianson is in critical condition after surgery Monday in St. Paul.
Contributed by Jeff Petersen-WIXK