A state lawmaker hopes you’ll have a smoke free new year.

On July 5th of this year, a statewide smoking ban will take effect for all public places in Wisconsin, including bars and restaurants. State Senator Fred Risser (D-Madison), who worked on the legislation for nearly 25 years, says he was glad to finally reach a compromise on the issue.

That compromise delayed implementation of the ban for nearly a year, so businesses had time to prepare. Risser says they’ve heard very little complaint so far about the change, although he’s sure they’re will be some rumblings around the time the ban goes into effect.

However, Risser says business owners understood a ban was inevitable, and a statewide law should actually make it easier for them. He says many smaller communities were adopting their own bans, which varied greatly. He says the statewide ban creates a level playing field for everyone.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (:59)


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