US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid claims his bill would permit abortions in a government run health plan if the Health and Human Services secretary could ensure that no federal money be used and anyone on a federally subsidized plan uses their own money for the procedure.

Sue Armacost, Legislative Director for Wisconsin Right to Life, says the legislative language says otherwise.

AUDIO: Sue Armacost (MP3 :26)

Armacost says the coverage would extend to all women not just “poor women” something heavily opposed by Americans, who’ve shown in polling they are against federal funding for the procedure.

She claims in this case, Reid is doing “the bidding of the Obama White House and the radical pro-abortion movement.”

Right to Life would rather the Senate accept the Stupak-Pitts amendment recently passed in the House. The Stupak plan, heavily opposed by Planned Parenthood, establishes strict barriers for tax-payer funded abortions.

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