Federal guidelines prohibit Milwaukee County from profiting from General Mitchell International Airport. County Exec Scott Walker proposes leasing off the airport and using the money to fix the county's crumbling mass transit, something FAA requirements allow.

However, Michael Mayo Sr, 1st Vice Chairman of the County Board, says by leasing off the airport "control" is lost to a private entity. He refers to residents living near Mitchell International as "stakeholders." He adds County Supervisors are better suited to ensure satisfaction of those citizens, as opposed a private enterprise, with tumultuous issues like airport expansion.

Mayo admits to not knowing many details of the proposal saying Scott Walker talks to the media about it more than County Supervisors.

"It (the leasing plan) might help Milwaukee County but if you don't work with the policy makers, how would you feel if I'm trying to shove something down your throat and you don't know nothing about it!"

The Transportation, Public Works and Transit Committee Chairman says at least five of his colleagues on the Board are not in favor of the airport privatization plan.

AUDIO: Brian Moon reports (MP3 :70)

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