Potentially dangerous toys are still sitting on store shelves across the state, according to a report from the Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group.
The group recently released its annual “Trouble in Toyland” report, which looks for products available in stores and online that are marketed for children, but that may present choking hazards, use excessive noise, contain powerful magnets, or contain unsafe levels of lead, chromium, and dangerous chemicals. WISPIRG’s Peter Skopec says things have improved since stricter federal regulations were implemented starting in 2006, however researchers still found a wide range of unsafe products sitting in stores. Those were found everywhere from dollar stores to big box stores, and even through online retailers.
Skopec says the report is a reminder that parents and those shopping for children need to be careful about what they purchase. He says “you should remember that the list of toys WISPRIG put together is not exhaustive. There may be other hazards out there, so parents really have to be careful and make sure they are closely examining toys before buying those toys.”
The full report of troublesome toys has been posted on WISPIRG’s website.