PHOTO: Rob Ganson

PHOTO: Rob Ganson

Gogebic Taconite has brought in security guards armed with semi-automatic rifles, at drilling sites in northern Wisconsin’s Penokee Range.

“It’s just security protocol, it’s what we do” one of the guards can be heard saying in a video posted by News from Indian Country.

The guard provided little information about the company he works for, but Wisconsin Public Radio reported that the guards have “Bullet Proof Securities” on their vehicles and arm patches. That firm’s website said it’s based out of Scottsdale, Arizona.

GTAC spokesman Bob Seitz told WPR that a June 11 raid at a drill site by 15 masked people which resulted in $2,000 in damage, and four criminal charges against one person, are reason enough to hire security.

Gogebic has begun test drilling for a controversial, proposed open pit iron ore mine in Iron and Ashland Counties.



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