The state Assembly has approved a bill easing the rules for when lobbyists can make political contributions to candidates.

Under the bill that was rushed through the legislature, lobbyists would be allowed to funnel campaign donations to political candidates starting April 15, rather than June 1 which is the current law.

Supporters say that’s because partisan primaries come earlier in the year. Opponents of the bill say there is already too much outside money in elections.

Government watchdog groups have said this bill is being fast-tracked into law without enough time for public scrutiny.

Jay Heck of Common Cause Wisconsin says this benefits lobbyists and the legislators who take their campaign contributions. He says, “No one outside of the Capitol Square in Madison has been clamoring for increasing the ability of lobbyists to make campaign contributions to legislators.”

Donations would not be allowed during the legislative session.

The bill is on its way to the governor’s desk.

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