Since buying the Milwaukee Brewers in 2004, Mark Attanassio has wore his emotions on his sleeve. He has displayed joy with all the highs and frustration with the lows, much like the fan base. When sharing his thoughts on the Ryan Braun situation, Attanassio stayed true to form.
Attanassio spoke to reporters during Wednesday’s game against the San Deigo Padres. His feelings were apparent as he used words like “saddened” and “betrayed” when describing his feelings about the situation. Trust was another topic the Brewer’s owner discussed…
AUDIO: Mark Attanassio says the community has been betrayed…One of the biggest question that has risen outside of the organization is what to do with suspended outfielder. Some suggestions that have tossed out by the “arm-chair owners of the world” include a trade, cutting him, or letting it play out and move on in 2014. Attanassio points to the ladder as the way to go for now…
AUDIO: Mark Attanassio says the Brewers keep Braun :06
This is where things get tricky for Milwaukee. The idea of cutting him makes sense from an image standpoint only. However, Braun is under contract until 2020 (mutual option for 2021) and is owed about $127-million over that time. In baseball, contracts are guaranteed and under the recently signed collective bargaining agreement, contracts can not be voided because of a drug suspension. Milwaukee is not a franchise that can absorb a hit like that if they want to compete.
AUDIO: Mark Attanassio assures the organization is doing the best they can :24
Braun’s suspension will keep him out for the remainder of the season. It is not clear if he will address the fans/media before spring training in 2014, that is likely to be his first public appearance once the suspension is done.