Attorneys General from across the country are meeting in Milwaukee this week, as the National Association of Attorneys General Presidential Summit gets underway.

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, who currently serves as president of the organization, says it’s a chance for his counter-parts in other states to share their experiences. Van Hollen says he hopes that they can come together and “learn best practices from each other as to ways to more ethically do our jobs and better benefit our citizens.”

AUDIO: J.B. Van Hollen (:09)

The primary focus of the summit is child safety, with particular attention to dealing with school violence, drug abuse, and child sex trafficking. Van Hollen says the event offers an excellent opportunity to highlight Wisconsin’s efforts in targeting those areas, such as the state’s recent participation in a national crackdown on child prostitution and the ongoing Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

The summit runs through Wednesday.

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