The Legislature’s Joint Audit Committee on Wednesday authorized a review of the state’s Family Care program.

State Senator Bob Jauch (D-Poplar) says the move should help identify possible improvements in the program, which has faced criticism because of cost overruns and problems with provider reimbursements.

Family Care was created in 1998 to help reduce the waiting lists for services used by those on Medicaid waiver programs who need access to long term care. Currently, 55 Wisconsin counties participate.

Lawmakers largely agreed that review of the program is needed, although state Representative Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) cautioned against making too many requests of the Audit Bureau. He says the program is quite large and the staff of the Audit Bureau is not unlimited.

Senator Jauch also expressed concerns that the audit could be used by those opposed to the program to justify arguments that the state can no longer afford to keep it going.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (1:07)

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