The host of the Badget State Winter Games is pulling out after 2010.

The Wausau-Central Wisconsin Convention and Visitors Bureau won’t fund the games after their contract expires in 2010. The CVB’s Darien Schaefer says the expansion of the game throughout the entire state has diminished the value of being the primary host community.

Schaefer said the money they pay to host the games could be better spent on other events. He says they could host four to five other events throughout the year for the money spent on just the one event.

Wisconsin Sports Development Corporation spokeswoman Jessica Gammey says she was caught off guard by the news, since they tried working out a lower fee with the CVB. Still, Gammey said the games won’t be leaving the Wausau area anytime soon.

This year’s Winter Games are still on as scheduled between January 9th and February 7th.

AUDIO: Matt Lehman reports (MP3 :40)

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