Working to revamp the stressed health care system.
As the national health care debate moves forward, one goal of Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin is to have a public option in the plan. And, the Democrat from Madison says Wisconsin's success with SeniorCare proves public options work, and ideas on the state level are worth sharing with the rest of the nation.
"A public option can insure more people at lower costs and compete fairly with private insurance plans. And actually we've experienced in the state of Wisconsin that not only do we have a public option, but we have more private options in Medicare Part D than any other state in the union."
Baldwin cites the efficiencies, cost savings and improvements that come from SeniorCare.
Baldwin, who sits on two health committees, is gathering information as she helps to draft new health care reform legislation. She's quick to add, if you're already happy with your health insurance, you get to keep it.
"We're not changing the system for everyone. We're looking at addressing the needs of the uninsured, the underinsured, and those who are sort of at the limits of being able to afford the policies that they currently have."
Baldwin meets in Madison with Wisconsin experts, getting their opinions on "health care for all," which she says is "in our grasp." Those offering advice include advocates of public, private, urban, and rural health, as well as patient advocates, insurers, business leaders and labor representatives.