Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes will face U.S. Senator Ron Johnson in November. Barnes greeted supporters in Milwaukee following his Democratic primary win on Tuesday

“And while Ron Johnson does the hard work to trying to divide us, and to distract us from what he’s really doing in Washington, the one thing that he does not understand is that each and every single one of us in every community across this great state has so much more in common with one another than we’ll ever with self-serving out of touch politicians like Ron Johnson.”

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson

Barnes’ major primary opponents all dropped out and endorsed him last week. In a statement, Johnson said “The leaders of the Democrat party have chosen their most radical left candidate for the U.S. Senate race. It sure doesn’t seem like Wisconsin voters had much of a choice in the matter.”

“Republicans have done nothing to help people in this room today, people like us,” Barnes said. “They turn their backs on every single one of us every step of the way. And that’s why we’re replacing Ron Johnson.”

Johnson said Barnes “will support all the destructive policies of President Biden and his enablers in congress. This is a contest between radical left socialism versus freedom and prosperity.”

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