According to an report, Green Bay Packers linebacker Nick Barnett will file a grievance against NFL official Jim Quirk after Quirk aggressively grabbing him around the neck and pulling him to the ground during Sunday's game against the Bears.
I know what Quirk did was out of line and Barnett probably deserves an apology from him. But filing a grievance? Let it go Nick.
I think Barnett is already a bit of a marked target. That's why Bears offensive lineman were taking their shots at him and baiting him to begin with.
The official has already reportedly been told to refrain from similar techniques when trying to break up a potential skirmish in the future.
Let's kiss and make up. The league needs to admit fault on behalf of the official and apologize and Barnett needs to move on.
Playoff time is approaching. We need to focus on that and not a Don Zimmer look-a-like putting a solid choke hold on Barnett and taking him down. Be the bigger man Nick and put your focus on the Lions game and the playoffs ahead.