Baseball fans think it's ridiculous that Congress is stepping into the baseball performance enhancing drug debate, but what choice do they have. The alternative would be to let baseball continue to keep it's own house clean.
The latest has Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig suggesting that baseball should run its own testing program.
Are you kidding me? How could baseball be counted on or even trusted to handle this matter. They've turned their backs on drugs and steroids for years, now they want to run the testing program that could help clean up the game?
How do we know that baseball won't overlook the next tainted test that comes from a big star because they don't want the negative ramifications and publicity that would come with it. They may say the game can't afford to lose this player, so lets destroy the results.
That may be far fetched, but why take the chance. Independent testing, with an organization that has nothing to gain or lose by performing good tests and supplying honest results is the way to go. Bud Selig often talks about the integrity of the game. Well, the integrity of the game is definitely on the line if baseball does its own testing.
Bud Selig turned his back on this problem far too long. Selig now shouldn't have the ability to call his own shot on this one. If Selig doesn't backoff on this issue, Congress may as well keep it's calendar open because I have a feeling they're going to be busy.