Now that the names have been named and George Mitchell's report on steroids and drug use in Major League Baseball is in front of the sportsworld, the sport needs to move on.

By moving on, I mean they need to work together to clean up the game and help educate the public, especially the our children, about the dangers of steroids and drugs.

The problem is that the players have continually used items like this as a bargaining tool.  That has to stop!

Bud Selig needs to forget about penalizing the players on a case by case basis, tell the Players Union that hey'll forego any punishment, if they agree to the kind of drug testing that is necessary to assure the game gets cleaned up. 

Bud Selig was once a part of the problem as the owner of the Milwaukee Brewers.  Now he needs to be a part of the solution.  Stop worrying about penalties and concentrate in fixing the problem.  The union just might be more willing to cooperate if the two sides work together. 

And the players and their union had better get this one right.  In return for no further fear of being penalized, they need to agree to all forms of testing to make sure the game gets clean and stays clean from this day forward.


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