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The Beloit Police Department is abandoning a program it launched as part of an effort to track down illegal firearms in the community.

The program, introduced last week, offered a chance for officers to inspect a home for illegal weapons. Homeowners would have signed paperwork granting permission for the search, making it legal. However, criticism for the program mounted on social media, with many people accusing the department of trying to force its way into homes.

Beloit City Manager Larry Arft admitted Tuesday that “apparently it was not such a good idea.” He says it was never the intent of police to illegally search homes and put the blame on social media for spreading an “abbreviated form” of the actual program.

AUDIO: Beloit City Manager Larry Arft (:18)

For now, the city has withdrawn the offer and has referred the program to the legal department for further review. While nobody took advantage of the offer to have police come in over the past week, Arft says one person did turn in an illegal firearm voluntarily after the effort was announced.


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