Lawmakers hear a proposal that would give military veterans priority in registering for classes on UW campuses. State Senate sponsor Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee) says the measure would help vets who may face challenges of being an older student in class while working and supporting a family.

A number of those who testified spoke about the difficulty those in the military face when trying to register for classes while deployed.

The proposal was spearheaded by David Tuseck, a student at UW-Milwaukee who spent six years in the military. He learned about other states with similar laws while meeting with student veterans from around the U.S. After his nearly 200 emails to lawmakers, state Representative Diane Hesselbein (D-Middleton) began drafting the bill which has since picked up bi-partisan support.

No one spoke against the legislation during the public hearing held by the Senate Transportation, Public Safety, Veterans, and Military Affairs.

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