How close should poll watchers be allowed to observe? A bill from Representative Paul Tittl (R-Manitowoc) would reduce the range from between 3 and 8 feet to 3 feet or less.

“If you’re an observer you should be able to observe,” Tittl said. “That’s the whole pilot process.”

At a public hearing for the bill, Rock County Clerk Lisa was okay with three feet – but not less. “Three foot gives them a little bit of a buffer so they’re not feeling intimidated by the people that are trying to to see everything.”

Green County Clerk Arianna Voegli also had concerns. “This becomes a very fine line of . . . having transparent elections but also affording respect and comfort to our voters.”

The bill had a hearing in the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections.  “Three feet is . . . a closer distance from which the average person could read, observe all public aspects of our voting process, including vert voters address and signature,” Tittl said. “Eight or more feet is quite far even for those with perfect vision.”

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