Sunday marks the first home game for the Green Bay Packers since the Leo Frigo Bridge was shut down, and the state Department of Transportation is urging fans headed to the game to leave early and be patient. The bridge on Interstate 43 is a major route for traffic through Green Bay and has been closed since a section of it started to sag last week. Traffic has been rerouted, with many cars now traveling on city streets and other alternate routes.
DOT traffic engineer Randy Asman says about 31,500 drivers use the bridge on game day, and they are hoping many of those cars either not make some of those trips or use other routes to cross the Fox River to get to Lambeau. Asman says they are warning fans to give themselves plenty of time to get there. “Leave early. Leave earlier than you typically have left before.”
Asman says Sunday’s match against the Lions is a gold-package game, so many of the fans will be coming from the Milwaukee area. He recommends drivers who are familiar with the area stay off the highway, and take local roads to Lambeau Field instead.
WHBY’s Rick Schuh contributed to this report.