Debate about the health impact of wind turbines in southern Brown County led to heated discussion Wednesday night at a meeting of the county’s Human Services Committee.
Neighbors of Duke Energy’s Shirley Wind Farm say the turbines cause problems ranging from headaches to nausea. Residents pressured the committee to take action, and slammed Brown County Health Director Chua Xiong for her decision last month that insufficient scientific evidence exists to blame the turbines for health problems.
Some of the more than 60 people who jammed into the hearing room wore brightly colored t-shirts and carried signs that said “I am the evidence.” They also accused Xiong of ignoring some the available scientific evidence that connects the big turbines to health issue.
The Committee wants to the state to come up with $250,000 to fund a study. The Brown County Board could vote on a formal request to the state next month. But there’s no gurantee the state will write the check.
North Carolina-based Duke Energy Renewables, the company that operates the Shirley Wind Farm, has said the sounds produced by the turbines can not be linked to health problems.