Looks like there will be no state budget breakthrough this week, as the deadlock continues. Dueling press conferences at the Capitol, with Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch putting the ball in the Senate Democrats' court. “It is imperative, that the Democratic leadership in the Senate take AB 506 to the floor tomorrow, to prevent the $600 million property tax increase promised by Superintendent Burmaster,” said Huebsch.

That's unlikely to happen, as Senate Majority Leader Judy Robson and Governor Jim Doyle both oppose a separate bill to fund schools. And Assembly Minority Leader, Democrat Jim Kreuser, charges Huebsch has not been negotiating in good faith at the governor's mansion this week. “He isn't being straightforward in saying he's negotiationg,” said Kreuser. “He's attending these, he's not negotiating.” Not true, said Huebsch. “Representative Kreuser's wrong. We have, over the last several weeks, tried to arrive at middle ground, by giving quite a bit.” Including, Huebsch notes, conceding to the Democrats' cigarette tax increase, and offer he says was rejected by the Democrats. Huebsch says he'll meet with Robson and the governor again today.

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:60 MP3)

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