A Democratic candidate for Wisconsin governor airs her first TV ad.

In the commercial, Democrat Mary Burke attacks Republican Governor Scott Walker’s record on creating jobs, noting that unemployment is higher now than when she served in the former Doyle administration as Commerce Secretary.

AUDIO: Governor Walker responds to the ad, and defends his record. :21

Unemployment reached 9.2 percent under the Doyle Administration, but Burke left her cabinet post in 2007 when the jobless rate was at 4.8 percent. That’s where the comparison is made in the campaign ad. Burke also touts her background as an executive with Trek Bicycle, a family business.

Walker’s campaign has not released a TV ad yet, but the Republican Governors Association has run a pair of spots on his behalf.

The television ad starts today on TV stations. It was posted online earlier this week, eight months before the gubernatorial election.

UPDATE: Governor Walker’s first campaign ad started today, too.

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