A Democratic candidate for Wisconsin governor is joining the push to increase the state and federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.
Former Trek bicycle executive Mary Burke says too many people in Wisconsin are struggling to support their families while working at or just above the minimum wage. She argues that “basically $7.25 an hour ensures dependence on government assistance. This doesn’t make sense for workers, and it doesn’t make sense from a budget standpoint.”
Burke is joining other Democrats in the state and nationally who want the minimum wage increased to $10.10, and to then tie future increases to inflation. Republicans, including Governor Scott Walker, contend the move is a political stunt that could hurt the economy if companies hire fewer workers, but Burke argues that has not been the case in states with a minimum wage that’s higher than the federal level.
Walker also criticized Burke on Wednesday for supporting the minimum wage hike an an attempt to compensate for not introducing a jobs plan yet. Burke fired back that the comments are “what she would expect from a career politician” who wants to take the focus off the actual issue. Burke says she plans to introduce her jobs plan in the coming months.