Democrat Mary Burke

Democrat Mary Burke

Democratic candidate for governor Mary Burke says she’s a fiscal conservative. Burke was in Green Bay Monday to meet with supporters, and she talked about using her experience in business to be a good steward of public tax dollars.

“I just believe we have to be using all money wisely, and that’s whether you’re in the private sector or in the public sector,” Burke said. “I’m a business person. I always believe I look at every single dollar and I say ‘is it doing what it needs to be doing, is it being impactful.’ If not we shouldn’t be spending it.”

Burke says she would pay for her strategy to help grow the private sector and fill the jobs gap, by finding wasteful spending in the state budget. “Most people want to make sure that government is being responsible, is using that money wisely, and I am strong proponent of making sure that we are being responsible stewards of taxpayer money, and if we’re not spending it wisely, don’t spend it.”

Burke, a former executive at the Wisconsin-based Trek bicycle company who served as commerce secretary in the administration of Governor Jim Doyle, said it’s important to go through the budget, find programs that aren’t working, and stop spending money on them.


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