Governor Scott Walker launched his reelection campaign on Tuesday, and his Democratic opponent says she can do better. With the Republican incumbent falling well short of his original pledge to create 250,000 new jobs, former commerce secretary and Trek bicycle executive Mary Burke said the state is falling behind.

“Wisconsin we know is 35th in job creation in the U.S., and out of 10 midwestern states we’re ninth,” Burke said. “Worse yet is we’re near the bottom in terms of new business startups.” Burke said Walker’s “game plan has failed,” and she’ll improve access to capital investment to help existing businesses grow, and provide support for small businesses.

She said she’ll also deliver a less partisan message than Walker. “It does not have to be the type of partisan, divisive environment that Governor Walker has created,” she said. “The people of Wisconsin believe that we do our best work when we come together, and that’s the type of governor I’m going to be.”

Burke said she’s the only one in the race with actual business experience – pointing out that Walker has been a career politician.


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