Former state public school Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster has been named the new president of a community college in Maryland.

Burmaster has headed Nicolet College in Rhinelander since 2009. She told officials there on Tuesday that she will become the next president of Frederick Community College starting in August.

Burmaster was recently a finalist to become president of Madison Edgewood College. The Frederick News-Press said she was also a finalist this year to head Rochester Community and Technical College in Minnesota, and Rock Valley College in Illinois, but she was passed over at all three places. Burmaster was quoted as telling Frederick College officials that none of those schools would have been a “good fit” for her anyway.

Burmaster once attended Frederick, and she told a recent public forum at the school that she looks forward to the challenge of leading a larger, more diverse institution. She was among 60 candidates hoping to replace Adrian Lobetske.

Burmaster served as state public school Superintendent from 2001 to 2009.


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