The Superintendent of Public Instruction is standing by her request for lawmakers to determine state education funding by September 28th.
Local school districts will learn on October 15th what level of state aid they'll receive next year. To meet that goal, State Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster says DPI needs a budget by the end of next week. She says that's necessary to properly calculate what level of funding will be available for each district, based on the must up to date information.
If lawmakers don't meet that deadline, Burmaster says DPI will have to use figures from the last budget. Using those figures could result in a $600 million property tax hike statewide.
If lawmakers pass the budget beyond September 28th, Burmaster says they also increase the risk of mistakes in calculating school aid. Beyond October 15th, DPI won't be able to adjust funding levels until next Fall.
Burmaster says the legislature just needs to get a budget done.