A coalition of Wisconsin business groups are questioning a budget plan put forward by the state Department of Transportation.
The DOT released a proposal earlier this month that calls for nearly $750 million in tax and fee increases to help fund road projects and programs in the next biennium. Changes are expected, but the plan is still raising concerns in the private sector.
In a statement released Monday, a broad coalition of business interests acknowledged the need for revenue increases. However, the groups also questioned whether the proposed hikes are appropriate. “Our respective groups acknowledge the need for revenue increases in the Transportation Fund to meet critical infrastructure improvements. However, we question whether the amount of the revenue increases proposed by the Department of Transportation are appropriate.”
The statement warns that some of the proposals could put Wisconsin employers at a competitive disadvantage, and notes that business interests plan to work with the governor to find funding solutions that are “fair and equitable.”
The coalition includes groups like Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the Wisconsin Grocers Association.