Wisconsin Capitol (WRN photo)

Wisconsin Capitol (WRN photo)

Lawmakers are expecting a marathon day at the Capitol today, with both the Assembly and Senate set to hit the floor to vote on dozens of bills. The Assembly calendar for the day includes almost 70 pieces of legislation, while the Senate has nearly 6o up for consideration.

Major proposals up for consideration in the Assembly include a bill that would drastically increase state compensation for wrongly-convicted prisoners, make 7th and 8th grade students learn CPR in their health classes, set uniform rules on where sex offenders can live, and make it a felony to spit on prosecutors.

The state Senate is scheduled to consider letting people register to vote online, while also putting limits on voter registration drives by eliminating special sign-up deputies. Senators are also due to vote on tax-break changes for the state’s managed forest program, making it easier for libraries to collect overdue fines, and a new process for groups to get specialized license plates.

The lengthy calendars are part of an ongoing effort by leadership to wrap up their work for the year by next month, so members can focus on their reelection campaigns.

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