Recent high profile drunk driving cases spur a call for legislative action. Milwaukee Democrat, state Rep. Tony Staskunas, says it's time to get serious and mandate ignition interlock devices for first time drunk drivers with high blood alcohol levels, and for all repeat offenders. "A mandatory ignition interlock is all about changing behaviors," says Staskunas . "We need to start changing behaviors of drunk drivers, to let them know that it's not okay to drink and then drive."

Staskunas wants this done sooner, rather than later, proposing an extraordinary session of the legislature within the next few weeks. Stasknunas says he's written legislative leaders to request the extraordinary session, but has not received any answers yet. Rep. Terese Berceau of Madison sees no reason why that shouldn't happen. 'Taking a car out on the road after a person has been drinking too much should not be viewed any different, or with any less horror, than somebody who takes a gun" to kill people, says Berceau. Advocates claim ignition interlocks have a ninety percent success rate, in preventing repeat drunk driving, in states where their use is mandated. 

AUDIO: Reo. Tony Staskunas

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