Federal stimulus should involve getting people back to work, any work, according a Milwaukee-based advocate. David Riemer, Director of Public Policy for Community Advocates , says with staggering numbers of out-of-work Wisconsinites, people must go back to work immediately even if the jobs are not necessarily career positions. 

The concept is similar to Roosevelt's New Deal in which the unemployed get minimum wage jobs to include fixing up parks or working in schools.  Eventually, Riemer says the workers can transition to higher paying jobs once they become available.

Riemer would like to see transition jobs be a greater part of the dialogue among the President and lawmakers.

With a huge gap in unemployed to jobs available, Riemer says unemployment insurance is not enough of a solution. He adds unemployment benefits can run out for some or a great number may not even qualify.

AUDIO: Brian Moon reports (MP3 :53)

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