If you’re looking for a way to pad your resume or wallet, the U.S. Census may have just the job for you.

Oshkosh census office manager Don Zimmer says they’ll need about a thousand people to help collect data in a 12 county area that essentially mirrors the state’s sixth Congressional District.

Most of the census jobs are for enumerators who go door to door to follow up with people who don’t complete census questionnaires. Zimmer says nearly half of the state’s residents won’t complete the 10-question form that will be sent to them in March.

There is a test for census workers that determines whether you have the basic skills needed for the job. You can take a sample test online. You can also find out where those tests are by calling 1-866-861-2010.

Census jobs pay between $11.50 and $15 an hour.

AUDIO: Don Zimmer (:15)


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