A member of the legislature's JointFinance Committee says it's a real shame intended money won't be used toprevent terror. State Representative Robin Vos (R-Racine) is criticizing thelatest roadblock in getting Real ID fully implemented in Wisconsin. The federal anti-terror lawrequires states to have a stricter form of identification to ensure thoseliving there are in the USlegally.
Governor Doyle is not funding RealID in his budget plan. Wisconsinites will still have to fork over the $10 in drivers'license fees set aside for the program, something Vos has issue with. Heemphasizes the 2005 act is a mandate and not an option. However he says if themoney will not be spent on the program it should stop being collected. Vos sayshe and his JFC colleagues will have a chance to challenge the Governor'srequest during budget talks.
Doyle says they have not shut downefforts to implement the anti terror law, just "slowing them down. He is waiting to see potential changes to the mandate fromthe Obama administration. Twenty states have refused to follow Real ID saying it invades privacy and is too expensive.