A LaCrosse County man is hosting a picnic which invites people to openly carry guns. Several weeks ago the state Attorney General JB Van Hollen released a legal opinion solidifying Wisconsinites right be openly armed. However organizer Hubert Hoffman says he planned the event prior to the AG's memo. He cites past statements by the state supreme court chief justice and a previous attorney general saying Wisconsin has long had an open carry right.

Hoffman says those without guns are encouraged to come as well, especially those who might be a little apprehensive about seeing armed civilians. He emphasizes those who practice open carry are "not a threat."

"We are simply exercising a right, just like you would be exercising a right to vote or go to church," explains Hoffman.

The Onalaska resident stocked enough food for up to 300 people. He initially would've been happy with 30 people showing up but with all the attention he's getting, he's expecting to hit the 300 mark. Hoffman will also be taking donations for Wisconsin Badger camp  which aids disabled children.

The picnic will be held Sunday from 11 am to 3 pm at Marvin Gardens Park in Onalaska.

AUDIO: Brian Moon reports (MP3 :67)

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