A state lawmaker is calling for a vote in the Assembly on legislation that closes a "lobbying loophole."

State Representative Spencer Black (D-Madison) says former members of Congress now have to wait two years before they can come back as lobbyists, but Wisconsin allows former lawmakers to come back the next day. Black says it's amazing that Washington D.C. is now cleaner than Wisconsin in this area of lobbying restrictions.

Black is calling on Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch to schedule a vote on legislation that requires former lawmakers to wait at least a year before they can come back as lobbyists. The Senate approved the bill nearly eight months ago on a 30-3 vote, but Black says there's been no movement in the Assembly since that time.

Black says the change is needed because of concerns that a lawmaker will return after leaving office, and use their influence to push special interest legislation that's bad for the general public. Also, the Madison Democrat says leaving the current policy in place just looks bad.  

ADUIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 :51)

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