At least one Assembly Republican is raising concerns about the state budget agreement lawmakers are expected to vote on Tuesday.

Even though the budget is now almost four months overdue, State Representative Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) says lawmakers shouldn't be rushed to pass a compromise plan. The Whitewater Republican says he's worried that there will only be about a day to look over the $58 billion budget package.

Nass says acting too soon could lead to more problems for the state later on. He says similar action in the past has lead to the need to pass budget repair bills afterwards. Nass also expects lawmakers to overlook a number of provisions they may disagree with, but are unaware of right away.

Despite his concerns, Nass expects the budget to still pass the Assembly. However, he says that will happen without his support.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 :57)

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