The cost of Thanksgiving Dinner will only be slightly higher than last year. That's according to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation's annual Market Basket report. It shows the average cost of putting the holiday meal on the table is up to $39.35, compared to $38.53 in 2006.
The Federation's Paul Ketring says rising energy prices and stronger Wisconsin exports are to blame for the higher prices. The biggest increases were for turkey and dairy products. Turkey went up $0.48 for a 16 pound bird, while milk is up $0.66 a gallon over last year.
Several food items actually saw prices drop this year. Rolls, celery, and cranberries should all be cheaper this year. The biggest drop was for sweet potatoes, which saw the price of a three pound bag drop $1.25 because of a strong growing season this year.
Ketring says prices may be higher, but the Market Basket does not look at store specials close to the holidays. He says finding a good deal on your turkey could get you closer to paying the same price as last year.