A fresh effort is underway, to implement collection of on-line sales tax in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Counties Association wants county boards to support a resolution, urging state legislators to force all companies making Internet sales in the state to collect state and local taxes.

“I think we’d all agree that the popularity of on-line is growing and will continue to grow, so this issue really becomes a larger one for mainstream Wisconsin business,” said Kyle Christianson, Research and Legislative Associate with the WCA. He said ideally this is an issue that should be addressed at the federal level. “Wisconsin joined the streamlined sales tax agreement a few years back, so we’ve take the first step,” he said. “If nothing can get through Congress, we’d like to see some action at the state level, maybe applying to on-line only retailers with subsidiaries or affiliates located in Wisconsin.”

Christianson said it’s a fairness issue, putting Wisconsin companies at a competitive disadvantage against on-line retailers. “You’re essentially giving preferential treatment to businesses that aren’t located in the state, aren’t employing Wisconsin residents. They’re at a price disadvantage.”

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