After the Minneapolis bridge collapse there's increased public interest in the safety of Wisconsin's bridges.

More than three hundred local bridge projects around the state will get nearly sixty-six million dollars in federal and state money to build new bridges.

Michael Erickson at the DOT who administers the grant program for the state says these are bridges that need more than just repairs. Sixty per cent of the approved funds go for the replacement or construction of bridges throughout the state.

Erickson says the bridges all have sufficiency ratings of fifty or lower meaning they fall into the category of either functionally obsolete or structurally deficient.

The request from counties is in line with previous years and Erickson says it just means highway officials are on top of bridge safety.

In terms of its bridge structures, Erickson says, Wisconsin ranks fifth in the nation. 

For a list of projects in your area go to:

AUDIO: Jim Dick reports ( :53 MP3 )

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