The last of Wisconsin’s 72 counties not participating in the state’s online court records database may soon do so. Portage County has used its own internal court record system since 1993 but is taking steps toward joining the statewide CCAP (Consolidated Court Automation Programs) system. Clerk of courts Bernadette Flatoff says two committees are recommending the full county board approve the deal next month. “It has become a neccessity, I beleive, based upon the attachments that CCAP has to other state agencies.”
State courts chief information officer Jean Bousquet says the county could join CCAP as early as next year. Bousquet says bringing Portage County onboard will make accessing local court records easier for everybody. If it joins CCAP, the county would also have to reimburse the state $76,000 it recieved to run its own system in 1993.
Matt Lehman, WSAU