The state of Wisconsin recorded 28 more deaths related to COVID-19 over the previous 24 hours on Wednesday, and 153 more people were hospitalized, according to latest numbers from the Department of Health Services.

DHS said just over 83 percent of the state’s available hospital beds were occupied, by COVID and non-COVID patients.

A state health official warned that Wisconsin hospitals are in a “crisis.” That assessment came Wednesday afternoon, from Department of Health Services Deputy Secretary Julie Willems Van Dijk

“And so order or no order, I strongly encourage people in the state to avoid any type of mass gathering, wear your mask, stay six feet apart, and stay home if you are ill,” Willems Van Dijk said during a media conference call.

A Sawyer County judge has struck down an Evers’ administration order limiting mass gatherings. Willems Van Dijk said gathering in crowded indoor spaces “is not a helpful way” to slow the spread

“This is not just about if you need hospitalization for COVID. This is about crowding our hospitals for every other type of care that any one of us could need.” she said. “So what we need people to do in the state is take this seriously, in terms of your own personal behavior, to stop the spread of this, or the repercussions could come back to haunt you and your family.”

As of Tuesday, Wisconsin hospitals were treating more than 950 COVID-19 patients.


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