Dairyland Greyhound Park had its final race Thursday night, meanwhile there’s been a massive response to adopt dogs from the facility. Greyhound Pets of America Wisconsin President Ellen Paulus says they have 65 applicants wanting to take greyhounds, a number that likely exceeds the amount of dogs available from the Kenosha track.

Some of the Dairyland dogs will go to other facilities to continue racing. Ellis says for those in the region who want to rescue, there are plenty of greyhounds elsewhere that need a home especially as two dog tracks are shutting down in Massachusettes and Arizona.

Dairyland, once a major state tourist attraction, announced in early November it was shutting its doors as profits have slid. One hundred seventy four employees have been affected.  The Menoninee Nation is interested in resurrecting the facility as a casino but is facing obstacles by the US Department of Interior.

Brian Moon reports (:55)


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