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Dane County Democrats demand action on gun reform. County Executive Joe Parisi says they want Governor Scott Walker and House Speaker Paul Ryan to lead.

“We want them to stop using mental illness as an excuse to do nothing about guns,” Parisi said. “We want them to stop sending their thoughts and prayers if they’re not going to do anything to protect our children.”

Assembly Democrat Chris Taylor wants the governor to call a special session. “He’s scheduled three special sessions this legislative term. There’s absolutely no reason he can’t do so now, on such a critical issue.”

Walker spokeswoman Amy Hasenberg released the following statement:

It is important for schools to do what they can to keep their kids and teachers safe-this will likely be different for every educational institution because all schools have unique challenges. After hearing from several teachers, principals, and superintendents at listening sessions throughout the state, Governor Walker put new funding into the state budget for mental health services in Wisconsin’s schools. Governor Walker has also put more funding into mental health services than any other governor in 25 years. Governor Walker will continue to work with school leaders to address safety in our schools.

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