Several days of very dangerous winter conditions get under way this morning (Tuesday).
The National Weather Service says we can expect bitter cold temperatures … and deadly wind chills as low as 40-below zero.
“This has already been really a deadly winter. We’ve already had two people die from exposure and these are going to be some of the most coldest, bitter and dangerous weather conditions we’ve had probably in the last 10 or 15 years.”
Lori Getter, Public Information Officer, Wisconsin Emergency Management says we all need to be prepared, bundle-up, and watch out for frostbite, which can happen in a matter of minutes. Symptoms include a loss of feeling and a white or pale appearance in extremities such as your nose, fingers, toes and ears. Frostbite needs immediate medical attention.
Also, Getter says, beware of hypothermia.
“The symptoms of hypothermia occur when your body temperature drops below 95 degrees, and it becomes very deadly. Symptoms are uncontrollable shivering, disorientation, slurred speech and drowsiness.”
Travelers are urged to have emergency kits in their cars, containing a flashlight, batteries, blankets, and non-perishable food.
And Getter warns folks of over-exerting themselves, because the extreme cold can put added pressure on the heart. If you are stranded outside, stay in your vehicle until help arrives. The arctic air will remain in the state for at least four to five days.