With the election just a little more than a year away, the head of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin says he expects possible challengers to Governor Scott Walker to start emerging soon.
Those believed to be considering a run include former Trek executive Mary Burke, Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris, and state Senator Kathleen Vinehout (D-Alma). Burke has been traveling the state to build support, while Harris has said he plans to make a decision by Labor Day. Tate says Vinehout may not make a decision until next year.
If Burke enters the race, Tate says he believes she would be the instant frontrunner in any possible Democratic primary. Tate says “given her background, and what she’s been able to accomplish in her life, she would bring a tremendous amount to the table, not just as a candidate, but as someone who can really turn Wisconsin around and bring a fresh perspective to governing.”
AUDIO: DPW Chair Mike Tate (:44)
Tate says there have been no indications from Harris that he’s waiting for a decision from Burke before announcing his own plans. Tate says he has been checking in with those considering a run, and he expects everything will begin unfolding very shortly.