Anyone logging on at the state capitol’s wi-fi connection as a guest could not access for a time Monday. Sachen Chheda, a former capitol tech worker and current Chairman of the Milwaukee County Dems, says the screenshot looked like an intentional blockage used by an older program with which he was familiar.

He along with State Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate finds it suspicious that the website was functioning fine last week but shut down later on.

The site serves as a focal point for the protesters and those opposing Governor Walker’s budget repair bill.

Also on the Democratic conference call this morning was a former assistant state Attorney General. Charles Hoornstra says if the activity was deliberate it opens up those responsible to lawsuits either at the state or federal level.

Walker’s office calls the claim by Democrats “lies.” In a statement, Spokesman Cullen Werwie says the Department of Administration blocks all new websites shortly after they are created, until they go through a software approval program that unblocks them.  He notes within 30 minutes of being notified this website was blocked, DOA immediately made the website accessible.

Cullen adds the Governor believes in protesters right to voice their opinions as evident by capitol hours being changed to allow them extensive access.

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