Democrats are proposing a bill they say will fix the process for making hunting and fishing grants. They’re reacting to the still unfolding revelations surrounding United Sportsmen, which received a $500,000 state hunter education grant.
Senator Bob Wirch (D-Kenosha) is on the Joint Finance Committee which approved the grant. “We were duped by the majority party. They told us that it would be an open and fair process to give out the grant money,” said Wirch. DNR officials proceeded with the grant despite a number of concerns being raised. Governor Scott Walker eventually rescinded it.
Representative Nick Milroy (D-South Range) said he hopes the bill mandating a more open grant process will get the support of Representative Al Ott (R-Forest Junction), who chairs the Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
“It’s even more important that some of these representatives and senators and the governor, who seem to be directly involved in this scandal start answering questions about why they were trying to fleece the hunters and taxpayers of the state,” said Milroy.
“While I appreciate the offer made during today’s media event to work with my Democratic colleagues on this issue, I am disappointed with apparent need to continue to throw political barbs and steep the conversation in rhetoric,” said a press release from Ott.