Department of Children and Families Secretary Eloise Anderson meets with the Joint Finance Committee about her agency’s budget. The legislative budget panel’s Co-Chair Robin Vos (R-Burlington) expresses his concerns about waste, fraud and abuse in Wisconsin Shares.

Anderson shares his concerns, and assures him her agency is working on it.

The program providing free child care for the working poor has been the subject of an investigation (uncovered by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) after some providers were found bilking the system out of millions of dollars.

Anderson says they will continue to do what it takes to stop and prevent fraud, but admits it’s a learning process. “Remember the department doesn’t come from a police mentality, so it’s a new kind of thinking for the department.”

The discussion at the Capitol hearing talks about managing the agency’s budget by making changes to co-pays, waiting lists, eligibility requirements, and other efficiencies. Anderson suggests family members can pitch in with the kids while their relatives work.

AUDIO: Jackie Johnson report 1:31

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