A new program will work with landowners to improve deer habitat. Bob Nack has been appointed as the Department of Natural Resources’ Deer Management Assistance Program and Big Game Section Chief. DMAP is intended to improve relationships between hunters, landowners, and DNR.
“Right now, DMAP is relatively undefined,” says Nack. “We’re going to be working with cooperators throughout the state, and private landowners to really address what their wants and desires are for this type of program.”
“The idea behind it is to match the habitat with the deer population, says Wisconsin Wildlife Federation President and former DNR Secretary George Meyer. “In some areas of the state, that may mean less deer.”
Initiating DMAP was a central recommendation of the Deer Trustee Report. The program is in development and is expected to begin next year. “We’re going to be working with the landowners to set achievable goals on their property, and in most cases that doesn’t necessarily mean more deer,” says Nack. “We want a balanced, healthy deer herd in line with what the habitat can provide.”